Hive of activity

Learn about hive structure, and how to tell if it’s thriving – as our team and our bees get ready to head to the hills.

Discover more from our series

Take a journey with us to the farthest reaches of the untouched land at the ends of the earth. Head deep into New Zealand’s remote, pristine backcountry, and into the heart of our hives, to discover how our honeybees make the world’s most rare and precious honey.

  • A cast of thousands

    Our honeybees are the stars of our show, and we’re dedicated to giving them the royal treatment.

  • The royal treatment

    One way we’re fighting bee decline is by breeding strong, fearless Queens to lead their hives.

  • Hive of activity

    Making honey takes a team of dedicated landowners. One of our partners shares what working with us means to him.

Premium Mānuka honey

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